Monday, May 1, 2017

Noragami: Stray God vol. 1

This was the other new manga I picked up on my last trip to the library. The name sounded familiar but I have not looked to see if it is an anime that I had glimpsed or not. I should look that up.

In this story Yato is a homeless god looking to make a name for himself. But he is doing it by promising to help anyone in need, by posting his number everywhere, hoping for calls, and charging a mere 5 yen until he can save up to buy a shrine for himself and hopefully bring worshipers to him.

So in this volume we have 3 short stories mostly. The first a little introduction to Yato via a tale of him helping a young girl being bullied. The second his meeting Hiyori when she tries to save him from getting hit by a bus. The third is a continuation of the second that better fits the style of "chapters" but it still feels a bit disjointed.

I am not as impressed by this story as I thought I would be when I read the description. I don't know if it is just the way the first chapter seems separate from the other two (which is more annoying when you know that what feels like the narrative voice is no one in the chapter) or just the subject matter or Yato being kind of a jerk. Whatever it is, I am going to try and give the story a second chance by picking up the next volume. If I remain unimpressed than I am giving up. I really hope the story picks up! Either way, I'll let you know what I think!

The Demon Prince of Momochi House vol. 1

I know it has been too long since I picked up a book and finished it, I am so sorry no new reviews have been posted! Once more I pulled myself out of a reading slump via a new manga series. So here, have a look at the series I will now be hunting down!

The story is centered around Himari Momochi, an orphan recently turned 16 who has been willed a large house that belonged to her family. Only, when she gets there she discovers that squatters are already living there! One of them is Aoi, the handsome boy who accidentally broke the seal on the house before Himari could and has now been possessed with the magic to protect the house, which lies on the border between the spirit world and the real one.

One manga in, only 3 chapters, and I am kinda already hooked on both Himari and Aoi! I knew as soon as I read the description of the book that it was right up my alley with the spirit world, girl alone in the world, and a possible love story. Add to that the beautiful artwork that Aya Shouoto gives and I was instantly loving the story!

So far there are 11 books listed over on Goodreads, so I will be looking for them all at the library. Depending on the status of the story when I get to volume 11, I'll try to post again when I get there to let you know how I feel about the story after I have read more of it. If you have read it before, let me know what you thought of it!