Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Whale Rider

Apparently I have decided to read all the books on my available to be read shelf that were made into movies. I had seen this movie back when it came out and thought it was good, so when I saw this in a used book store, of course I was interested. Well, that was years ago, and the shine has faded. I don't know what I was expecting when I picked up the book, maybe I was looking for something quick to read and decided that I needed to finally read it!

It is an interesting story, told by a man Rawiri about his niece Kahu. From the time she was born and her mother asked that the afterbirth be placed on the island the girl's father was from, insuring that Kahu would one day return there. Sure enough, every summer the little girl goes back, learning more about the culture she was born from. Although the poor girl is loved by a lot of people, the one she wants to please and be closest to the most, her great-grandfather, has no use for her as she is a girl. Rawiri watches as Kahu grows into an amazing child, and at the tender age of seven, she becomes something grand to her people, showing them a way back to their culture.

It was an interesting story, really. Although it was mildly distracting that so many of the words were in a native tongue so that I had a little trouble muddling my way through some of the bits. Despite that one flaw, I found the book to be entertaining. Give it a chance, it's not long of a read, and you might be surprised by the story.

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