Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Elfstones Of Shannara

Setting out to reread the Shannara series with a friend, I was thrilled at the chance to return to the world that not only drew me into the world of fantasy, but that awakened within me a desperate need to tell my own stories of fantastic nature. However, I was a little worried that upon rereading some of them I would find that I was no longer as in love with Terry Brook's early writing style, after all my tastes have changed a lot since I was 10. I need not have feared. Elfstone of Shannara was the first book that left me crying long after I put it down (a sad spoiler I won't detail), and when I watched the show it came as no real surprise that I was curled up in my husband's lap for an hour as I cried more tears for that plot point. Yes, today I cried again. I love this book so much, and even after all this time the story still touches every part of my heart!

Elfstones follows the story of Wil Ohmsford and Amberle Elessedil as they try and safe the magical tree, the Elcrys, from death which would result in the failing of a magical barrier that keeps hordes of demons at bay. Wil and Amberle's journey takes them across half the FourLands, introduces them to numerous characters that both hinder and help their cause, and twists and turns in ways that are truly captivating.

Even though this was the third time I read this book I loved it just as much as the first. However, since I read it after watching the show, I found that there were so many details that I had forgotten, details that were left out of the show. Does this upset me? Well, a little since some of my favorite characters were left out of the show (*cough* Stee Jans *cough*). But as Terry Brooks has been heard saying lately, the show is a beast in and of itself. Things had to be changed to keep audiences interested, to keep things new and exciting. So if you are going to read this book because you loved the show, keep in mind that the book was here first, and it's its own story.

I look forward to the next time I am able to sit down and reread the whole series once more in the future. This is a story I love to revisit from time to time. So tell me, how did you discover Shannara? What do you think of both the book and the show? Let me know!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

I Am Here! Omnibus 2

Hikage's story continues in this second volume right where the first I Am Here! book ends. So in this one we find out who Black Rabbit really is along with a new twist in Hikage's growing world. We also get to see more of Hinata and Teru outside of Hikage, like a flashback to when they first became friends.

This story is a very short one, only spanning the two books containing a total of 19 chapters. But everything I needed was in those 19 little tales! Hikage grows just enough over the course of this story to make it real and give us hope for her future, even becoming a voice of encouragement to others as Hinata and Black Rabbit did for her. And even though there was no real settling of things between Hikage and her two suitors, there was enough of a decision that it gives the reader hope for what her future is going to hold.

I really enjoyed this one! I think I will definitely be keeping an eye out for Toyama's other stories! And encouraging all my other manga lovers to pick this one up.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

I Am Here! Omnibus 1

This is the story of Hikage Sumino, an eighth-grader with incredibly low self-esteem because she has spent her whole life never being noticed. Outside of the two strangers that constantly comment on her blog, she never talks to anyone other than to hear them say they hadn't noticed her there, right after they get her name wrong. But one day, one of the most popular boys in her class takes notice, speaks to her, helps her out, and turns her whole world upside down.

Ok, so I stumbled onto this one because I just finished the newest Attack On Titan and Bunny Drop and you guys know I can't go very long without picking up a new manga! This one is combined into 2 omnibuses so it will be a short read, which I am sure I will regret when I want so much more to the story at the end. However, it might be perfect, because in this first volume alone so much of the story was covered, Hikage grew just like the sunflower she wanted to be and the story is looking so hopeful!

And let me point out right now, this was only partially because of Hinata, the boy that paid attention to her. This isn't a story where the female lead starts dating the popular guy and suddenly gets friends. No, Hikage goes through her share of bullying, by herself. She resolves to be someone worthy of even being friends with a guy like HInata, who is so outgoing. And she makes it a point to work on her people skills and stand up for herself alone. That's why I like this story. Hikage is a very stubborn protagonist who refuses to give up on finding the sunlight, and I love her for that!

As the author notes, there are no really humorous scenes in this one. It is meant to be a more serious story, and I think that not only does it manage to do that with beautiful skill, Toyama does an excellent job of making it real without it being too sad without comedic relief. I really enjoyed this one! If you like manga, don't overlook this one!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Bunny Drop vol. 9

Ok guys, I'll be honest, I was not happy with the ending to this story. At the end of the last volume we were handed a very weird and surprising twist to Rin and Diakichi's story that was followed up and "resolved" with this final set of chapters. I don't like the twist and I really don't like the conclusion.

Not only was the ending to this story a bit unsettling, but these final chapters had the feeling of being too convenient, like Unita had and ending they wanted, had very little time to actually plot it out properly, and so they threw together the barest of details. It was too quick, too simple, too unlike the rest of the story for me. It did nothing to help convince me that the way things ended was right.

With that said I do plan on reading the final volume, a collection of chapters "missing" over the years from Rin and Diakichi's story. I already have the volume, it's not much to read these, I might as well.

Guys, the rest of this story is so much better, and I would love for others to read it and tell me what they think of the ending. But I won't push this one on anyone since I know the disappointment this ending put on me and I don't want others to deal with that. But if you happen to read the series, please, tell me what you think!